LAC. Laboratori Arts Contemplatives

June 23 – 24

DICE // Entradium

Eivind Aarset / Jan Bang / Clara Peya / Nik Bärtsch / Avishai Cohen / François Couturier / Lucía Fumero / Ganavya / Anja Lechner /  Shai Maestro / Claudia Baulies / Magnus Öström / Pablo Rosal / Kris Tena / Rosa Tharrats / Gabriel Ventura / Emma Villavecchia / Max Villavecchia

On June 23rd and 24th, the night of the traditional summer solstice celebration in Catalonia, Tavertet welcomes the second edition of A Rite of Summer, the festival organized by the Laboratory of Contemplative Arts (LAC), a haven for artistic creation and thought linked to the Buddhist retreat center Casa Virupa. Including performing arts, music, and masterclasses, the festival will showcase notable international figures such as Avishai Cohen (trumpeter), Shai Maestro, and Ganavya.

The festival features a contemporary, diverse, and experimental musical lineup, with luminaries from the contemporary jazz and European improvised music scenes, such as Indian singer and composer Ganavya, internationally celebrated jazz pianist Shai Maestro, trumpeter Avishai Cohen, regarded as one of the greatest active trumpet players, and Norwegian producer and musician Jan Bang. It will also present a piece on contemplative art that brings together poets, musicians, and a dancer, and a theatrical work reflecting on the link between art and politics. The entire artistic program will take place during the morning, afternoon, and evening of June 23rd, which will also offer a gastronomic experience at Horta de Virupa.

On the shortest night of the year, a contemplative and unique cultural experience that extends temporality.



  • Shai Maestro

  • Emma Villavecchia

  • Lucía Fumero

  • Max Villavecchia

  • Pablo Rosal

  • Nik Bärtsch

  • Ganavya

  • Anja Lechner

  • Avishai Cohen

  • Clara Peya

  • Claudia Baulies

  • Eivind Aarset

  • François Couturier

  • Gabriel Ventura

  • Jan Bang

  • Kris Tena

  • Magnus Öström

  • Rosa Tharrats

Type of tickets

TICKETS day 23: Include the concerts + play + performance on the 23rd. Does not include accommodation or food.

TICKETS day 24: Includes the masterclasses + concert by Anja Lechner and François Couturier on the 24th. Does not include accommodation and food.

TICKETS day 23 and 24: Includes all concerts on the 23rd and 24th, play and performance on the 23rd, and masterclasses on the 24th. Does not include accommodation and food.

Tickets available at DICE or Entradium.


To sleep, there are possibilities in:

Tavertet (2 min)

Can Nogué – 93 856 52 51 | Apartaments l’Alzina – 618 81 07 27 | L’Avenc – 93 881 61 59 | Pàrquing caravanes Tavertet

Cantonigròs (15 min)

Ca la Rotllada – 938 56 50 24 | Sta Maria del Roure – 934 30 16 06 | Hostal Cabrerès – 938 56 50 22

L’Esquirol (20 min)

Apartamentos turísticos l’Esquirol – 696 23 85 66 | Cal Masover – 686 94 44 98

Rupit (35 min)

El Colomer – Booking | Santa Llúcia – 938 56 22 69 | Casa Can Rufo – 625 08 62 96

Hostal Estrella – 938 52 20 05 | Càmping Sènia Rupit – 938 52 21 53 | Allotjament St Joan de Fabregues – Booking | Mas Casalliques – 679 52 99 29